99 The One In 30

A Ramadan Experience with The Most Beautiful Names of Allah in 30 Days! We are thrilled to announce the upcoming premiere of Season 3 of “Ninety-Nine The One In 30” This season’s theme is: “Living By The Book: Attributes In Action”. Our Beloved Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said, “Cultivate within yourselves the attributes of Allah.” Our Minister, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan tweeted, “When you have an attribute of God, you should strive for degrees of excellence in that attribute.” Join us as we delve into the most beautiful names of Allah!

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Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

During the month of Ramadan, Ninety-Nine Tmbn is hosting "99 The One in 30 Days" as we study and illuminate the 99 Attributes of Allah and make them practical in our lives. Day 5 guest is Sis. Nyah MuhammadDay 5 Attributes are:1. Ar - Raqeeb: The Watchful2. Al - Lateef: The Subtle One, The Most Gentle3. Al - Khabeer: The Acquainted, The All - Aware4. Az- Dhaahir: The Manifest

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

During the month of Ramadan, Ninety-Nine Tmbn is hosting "99 The One in 30 Days" as we study and illuminate the 99 Attributes of Allah and make them practical in our lives. Day 4 guest is Sis. Najah MuhammadDay 4 Attributes are:1. Al – ‘Alee: The Most High, The Exalted2. Al – Kabeer: The Greatest, The Most Grand3. Al – Hafeedh: The Preserver, The All – Heedful and All – Protecting4. Al - Baaqi: The Ever - Surviving, The Everlasting

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

During the month of Ramadan, Ninety-Nine Tmbn is hosting "99 The One in 30 Days" as we study and illuminate the 99 Attributes of Allah and make them practical in our lives.Day 3 Attributes are:1. Al - Waahid : The One2. Al - Mubyee : The Giver of Life3. Al - Mubdi : The Originator, The Initiator4. Al - Abad: The Unique, The Only One

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

During the month of Ramadan, Ninety-Nine Tmbn is hosting "99 The One in 30 Days" as we study and illuminate the 99 Attributes of Allah and make them practical in our lives. Day 2 guest is SW Reg. Student Minister Dr. Abdul Haleem Muhammad Day 2 Attributes are:1. Al Haleem: The Most Forbearing2. Al - Khaaliq: The Creator, The Maker3. Al – Ghaffar: The All- and Oft- Forgiving4. Dhul - Jalaali Wal - Ikraam: Possessor of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty, and Generosity

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

During the month of Ramadan, Ninety-Nine Tmbn is hosting "99 The One in 30 Days" as we study and illuminate the 99 Attributes of Allah and make them practical in our lives. Episode 1 guest is Brother Student Minister Abdul Aleem Muhammad
Episode 1 Attribute of Allah is:
Bismillah: In the Name of Allah


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99 The One: The Most Beautiful Names

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